Democracy spawned Trump so now what?

Ordinary Americans got us into this mess and only ordinary Americans can get us out of it.

We saw a ray of hope this week when disciples of Lord Pumpkin Face reported to their master that the masses are in revolt over his decree to immediately cut off cash to millions who depend on his government for necessities of life.

You can hear the roar. Chaos ensued. Phones have been ringing off the hook. Social media is on fire. Republican politicians fear they won’t get re-elected---and even for their safety.

The same ordinary people who voted for Donald J. Trump because they were angry and wanting change may now be awakening to the fact that the messiah he ain’t. A bully he is.

Man, how I would love to have been a fly on that glitzy Oval Office wall when Trump begrudgingly okayed raising the white flag to announce a pause on his planned government spending freeze.

It’s hard to recall a modern-day edict that was so monumental in impact and so badly handled by government officials drunk on Kool Aid and believing Trump can do whatever he damned well wants.

His capitulation would not have come about peacefully.  He is known for rage-fueled tantrums when he doesn’t get his way on everything and blames traitors and conspirators and deep state operatives.

No, sir (as he loves to be addressed), this time you have upset the kids who depend on school lunches, seniors enrolled in Meals on Wheels, the disabled, homeless and millions of others who thought they could count on the state to make their lives better.

After all, isn’t that what America is all about---the land of opportunity and the most generous and progressive nation on Earth?

All that will change in the brave new world of Trumpers who have long beavered away to produce a manifesto called Project 2025. Trump has denied knowing about it but is obviously following the playbook written by right-wing and religious extremists.

His supporters explain everything away by reminding us that he’s only doing what he promised to do if elected. And they’re right. Those who hoped he was just another lying politician who wouldn’t keep his word didn’t listen carefully enough. 

They underestimated the influence and control of a really weird bunch of people Trump surrounds himself with---multi billionaires in search of power and getting richer, whacky deep state theorists, old entertainers who crave the spotlight. Sanity and empathy are not among the creds of his acolytes.

Money is power. Nobody knows that better than Trump. He can bring nations to their knees with threats of tariffs and even military intervention. Just look at Colombia, for example, where the government quickly turned tail and cooperated with Trump’s immigrant clampdown in the wake of economic threats. He’s playing with Canada like a cat with a mouse while musing about threats to our sovereignty and economic stability. 

In a world sadly lacking in strong leaders, we have to hope that it is the ordinary people who voted by the millions for Trump who will revolt and use whatever tools of democracy survive to bring him under some form of control. 

Only threats of the ballot box and his loss of control of the Congress will affect the iron will and thick skull of this president.

It’s a pity that we have to rely on examples of courage like the Rev. Mariann Budde, the pint-sized Episcopal Bishop of Washington, D.C.  who stood up in front of Trump and his family and followers at a National Cathedral Prayer Service that was part of the Inauguration rituals.

Her sermon to the rich and powerful dwelled on human unity, the dignity of every human being, honesty and humility, and the need to speak the truth to one another.

“Let me make one final plea, Mr. President. Millions have put their trust in you. And as you told the nation yesterday, you have felt the providential hand of a loving God. In the name of our God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country. And we’re scared now…..some who fear for their lives.”

The bishop specifically referenced gay, lesbian and transgender children and immigrants who carry out so many important jobs Americans don’t want.  

“The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals…they pay taxes and are good neighbours. They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwaras and temples,” she continued.

Needless to say, Trump and his loyalists reacted with hostility. He called the bishop a hardline Trump hater, questioned her credentials and said she was not compelling, not smart, boring and uninspiring. He demanded an apology.

A Republican congressman demanded that she be deported and you can bet that the Cathedral will suffer from security threats and the defection of big donors. Revenge is the new name of the game.

I watched another Republican politician this week regale voters with recollections of his youth when he held part time jobs while in high school and was critical of students today who are “sponging off the taxpayers” by using school lunch programs instead of working to buy their own lunch.

Trump’s America will recreate society with regressive policies, be leaner and meaner and the trains will run on time.  

But Public opinion can turn on a dime. 

Media coverage of a crying child clinging to his Dad’s leg as armed police drag the handcuffed man off to a deportation camp can have more impact than all of the pathetic excuses being mimed by Trump supporters to defend his actions and wish list.

The question is, what will it take for Americans to stand up and say, “Enough…. this is not who we are.” Some suggest the outcome of their election last November exposes who the Americans truly are.

 I would prefer to believe and pray otherwise.

 Only time will tell.

Jameson Wood

Jameson Wood - Founder & Brand Consultant

Jameson is a jack of all trades and master at most. Jameson will take care of website design & domain services, as well as the business consulting side of things including, social media/marketing strategies. He can even bring out the old DJ in him if need be! Jameson loves to bring his dogged determination to the table to execute his tasks in the fastest possible time he can muster.

If the shoe fits…


Political star gazing